Okay, so these were the weirdest cookies I've ever made and they turned out terrible! Which was really weird because they have a really high rating on Allrecipes, so I don't know if I did something wrong or what but they were gross. I was going to take them to work but I was too embarrassed to, so my Dad took them to his office instead and apparently somebody liked them because they got gobbled up. But I personally thought they tasted more like biscuits than cookies and I hate biscuits.
I got the recipe from the Allrecipes Christmas Cookie Countdown (a new cookie recipe every day for 25 days!)
1 pint vanilla ice cream (A US Pint is 473 ml, A UK Pint is 568 ml, I started with the US Pint amount but it didn't look right so I upped the amount of ice cream and it still didn't work)
2 cups butter
4 cups flour
Fruit Jam (I used Raspberry and Strawberry)
Cut butter with flour. Mix in ice cream. (Use your hands, you may want to put on gloves first because it will be cold). Form dough into ball. Refrigerate overnight. Preheat oven to 350. Roll out dough. (My dough was no where near a consistancy that could be 'rolled out' so I just shaped little balls with my hands) Cut circles with the rim of a glass, make a thumbprint in the center of each cookie, fill thumbprint with jam. (I just shaped balls with my hands and made a thumbprint in them) Place cookies on cookie tray lined with parchment paper. (Parchment paper is very important here!) Bake for 20 minutes.
Like I said, I thought these were disgusting but other people liked them. Try at your own risk!