So I haven't posted in several months... oops. I was super busy this past semester with school and even when I got a chance to bake I didn't have time to write up a post, and half the time I forgot to even take pictures.
But I'm back at work now so I now have time to both bake and post!
I'm going to start with a few of the cakes I made over the past few months. No new recipes, just my usual standbys.
I made this one just last night, for some friends who are off to Zambia to do their final nursing practicums.

This was one of the ones where the reaction was the best part. I was already super happy with how it turned out and then when I saw how the girls reacted to it, it really made this one of my favourite cakes I've ever made.
This next one I can't take credit for really, my brother's girlfriend did pretty much all of the work on it but I just had to show it.

We made it for a girl who's favourite colour is grey and who was going as the paper bag princess for halloween. And, as an added bonus, inside was a
rainbow cake!
And finally, I made this one for my cousin, and I know I have more photos of it but I can't figure out which camera they were on. So I'll probably write another post for it when I find them later.

I was using a new icing recipe which didn't turn out to be very good for piping and decorating, so I did a last minute grocery store run and improvised. Jelly Bellies are a little different to work with than icing, but I'm still happy with how it turned out.
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